Safe and Just Communities
Safe and Just Communities
People have confidence they are safe and will be treated fairly.
Being safe in your home is at the core of a
community's well-being and vitality.
community's well-being and vitality.
That's why the largest portion of our biennial budget is devoted to programs and people committed to keeping you and your loved ones safe and secure.
Priority Initiatives
- Support recruitment and hiring of Sheriff’s and Corrections deputies
- Resolve nuisance properties, homeless encampments, and drug houses
- Enhance efforts through community litter cleanups
- Analyze and reform criminal justice system
- Continue raising awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People
- Administer small business strengthening and security grant program
- Design and build single radio system for Pierce County
Community Indicators
Community indicators provide insight into what is happening at the community level. Indicator data helps Pierce County to better assess the overall health and well-being of our community, benchmark ourselves against peer jurisdictions, and inform strategic planning efforts.
Property Crime
Violent Crime
Unincorporated Property Crime
Unincorporated Violent Crime
Domestic Violence
Confidence in Justice System
Community Safety
Number and Outcome of Complaints Filed Against Law Enforcement
Program Measures
Program measures provide insight into county programs and initiatives. This data allows Pierce County to better monitor its operations and improve outcomes for the people we serve.